Compare Editions of /n software IP*Works!

More Than Ever, A Complete Internet Solution

From /n software inc.

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The Following Editions of /n software IP*Works! Are Available:
  • IP*Works! V6 .NET Edition

    Fully-managed .NET components based on a 100% C# codebase, with no dependencies on outside native code. The edition of choice for fully-managed .NET applications.

  • IP*Works! V6 ASP.NET Edition

    ASP.NET components based on a 100% C# codebase, optimized for server side development. The edition of choice for ASP.NET applications

  • IP*Works! V6 ActiveX Edition:

    ActiveX Controls optimized for the Internet. Smaller, faster, and without dependencies on external libraries. The edition of choice for distributed Internet applications.

  • IP*Works! V6 ASP Edition

    COM library optimized for ASP pages and server-side programming. The programming interfaces are also especially designed for scripting environments. All the components are property- and method-driven and fully functional in environments where events are not supported.

  • IP*Works! V6 .NET CF Edition

    Fully-managed .NET components based on a 100% C# codebase, with no dependencies on outside native code. Optimized for .NET Compact Framework Development.