
See Recordset Data In Debug Mode

From Platform Development Technologies

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ActiveData is a set of tools specifically geared towards the VB5 and VB6 developer. One of the tools, DataWatch, allows a developer to see and edit an ADO or DAO recordset's data, connection properties, recordset properties and field properties in a grid format during a debug session. Other features of DataWatch include mechanisms for viewing, sorting, grouping, filtering, and saving a recordset. DataWatch also provides functionality to build SQL statements, save them, execute them, and view the results anytime - not just during Debug mode. There are 5 tools that make up ActiveData, all relating to recordset and SQL statement development. With these tools developers can recall and execute any SQL statement (very handy), build SQL statements, convert SQL to VB Code, generate recordset code, and more.

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Item Pricing and Availability for ActiveData Version 1

ActiveData Version 1
Item# Description Delivered Weight Avail? DevRewardsPrice Buy
ActiveData Professional Suite Single (1) Developer
Xtras.Net Download  Same Biz Day  880  $191